
The ADI-R is a semi-structured diagnostic interview used with parents or caregivers. It is used in the assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder for both adults and children.

Four Specific Domains are assessed.

3 Functional Domains

Language and Communication

Reciprocal Social Interactions

Repetitive, Restricted and Stereotyped Behaviours and Interests

1 Diagnostic Domain

The presence of abnormal development evident at of before 36 months.

What Diagnostic Characteristics Inform the ADI-R?

Gathering specific information on a child’s clinical presentation and history is a useful step in forming a diagnosis, however, we do not use ADI-R alone in the diagnosis of children. We consider the contribution of ADI-R as a vital step in the diagnostic process and we dual assess using ADOS-2.

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2)

ADOS-2 is a standardised set of activities and questions most likely to provide the specialist assessor with a good opportunity to observe Autistic Spectrum Disorder behaviours and traits.

The Autism Diagnostic Observations Schedule – ADOS-2 measures;


Social Interaction


Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours

The ADOS-2 is suitable for children and adults from pre-verbal to verbal and non-verbal. Testing typically last 40 – 120 minutes.
